
Breathwork, Mindfulness and Movement Coach and Creator

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I share my weekly deep thoughts around breathwork, mindfulness, and movement topics to improve your life and live more intentionally.

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A better way to view stress

Hey friends, Last Monday, I had a live session on my community platform, 'Breath Mind Body Academy,' where I talked a little bit about stress and recovery and how breathwork, mindfulness, and movement can help us manage our stress levels better. I thought it would be wonderful to share some of these reflections with you. Our bodies are fascinating systems, aren't they? They manage stress through the autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic system for those "fight or flight"...

14 days ago • 3 min read

Hey my friend, As we navigate the ebb and flow of our daily lives, the pursuit of awareness often takes a backseat to the immediate demands of our busy schedules. Yet, awareness is the undercurrent that sustains our mindfulness and breathwork practices, enriching every moment with depth and intention. This week, I invite you to join me on a journey of introspection, where we explore practical steps to cultivate awareness in our everyday lives. Reflect on Your Breath I recently shared a video...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Happy Sunday! Today, let’s dive into something that’s really close to my heart: how to pick the right mentors and make the most out of our learning experiences. Imagine this like choosing the best guide for an exciting trek in the mountains. You want someone who knows the paths well, but also lets you explore and learn on your own. The Best Guides Let You Discover First off, the best kind of teacher isn’t someone who just wants you to follow in their footsteps. They’re like the cool kind of...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey friends, In light of the recent passing of Akira Toriyama on March 1, the genius behind Dragon Ball, which influenced me immensely, it's a poignant time to reflect on the heroes that shape us. Toriyama's creation of Son Goku and his friends gave us more than just entertainment; it offered characters that many of us have looked up to as role models. This week, let's dive into why finding role models, even among fictional characters, can be a powerful guide in our lives, as opposed to...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey friends, Welcome to this week's issue of Sunday Introspection, where we explore the gentle art of living better through breathwork and mindfulness. Today, we're diving into something that might change how you see your daily habits, especially when life gets tricky: the real meaning of being consistent. Consistency: It's Not Just About Sticking to a Plan Being consistent is one of the most important traits to become good at something. But being a father of three young kids overthrew a lot...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey friends, This week, we're venturing beyond the familiar shores of morning breathwork routines, diving into the deeper, more nuanced world of holistic breathwork practice. As seasoned practitioners, you know that breathwork isn't just a morning ritual—it's a comprehensive lifestyle approach that intertwines with every aspect of our being. A Holistic Perspective: Breathwork as a Life Practice While many of us have incorporated breathwork into our morning routines, there's a vast, often...

4 months ago • 2 min read

Hey friends, As the new year unfolds, I've embarked on a personal quest, one that many of you might find intriguing or even daunting – a month without caffeine. This isn't just a test of willpower; it's a deep dive into self-discovery, a journey to uncover how my life can change when I strip away one of my most ingrained daily habits. The Why Behind My Goodbye to Caffeine Every morning, as a parent to three lively children, my day started with a steaming cup of coffee. It wasn't just about...

4 months ago • 2 min read

Hey friends, In our ongoing exploration of personal growth and self-awareness, today's topic delves into a fascinating distinction: the difference between confidence and courage. Defining Confidence and Courage: At first glance, confidence and courage might seem like interchangeable concepts, but they are fundamentally distinct. Confidence is rooted in the belief in one's abilities, often built upon past successes and positive experiences. Courage, on the other hand, involves taking action...

5 months ago • 2 min read

Hey friends, In our ongoing journey of exploring breathwork and mindfulness, I've been contemplating a powerful idea that intertwines with our understanding of happiness and pursuit. Reflecting on Dr. Robert Sapolsky's insightful quote - "Dopamine is not about the pursuit of happiness, it is about the happiness of pursuit." - led me to another thought-provoking saying, "Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life." This, I believe, unravels a common misunderstanding about Dopamine....

5 months ago • 1 min read

Hey friends, Let's start with a puzzle. Why do some plants, when exposed to sub-lethal doses of stress or toxins, not only survive but thrive? Today's topic - hormesis, is the science behind this conundrum and an invaluable metaphor for our personal and professional lives. The Magic of Hormesis Hormesis is a term borrowed from toxicology. At its core, it refers to the paradoxical way organisms respond to stress. At low doses, certain stresses can actually benefit an organism, making it...

6 months ago • 2 min read
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